Transport Phenomena
Application of knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and combustion, aiming to solve fundamental and applied problems, both in the academic and industrial sectors, related to the field of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences.
Lines of Research
- Experimental Methods in Thermal Sciences
Use and development of experimental techniques for the characterization of phenomena relevant to problems in the field of thermal sciences, by measuring physical quantities such as force, moment, velocity, temperature, pressure, concentration of chemical species, heat flow, surface tension, intensity, sound directivity and frequency, among others. Techniques of interest include Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV), Hot-Wire Anemometry (HWA) , Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF), and Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP), among others. Applications of interest are turbulent flow, interaction between flow and structure, acoustics, combustion, internal combustion engines and propulsion systems.
- Numerical Methods in Thermal Sciences
Use and development of numerical methods for the study of fluid mechanics problems in varied, incompressible and compressible, single phase and multiphase flow regimes. Methods of interest include the finite volume method, finite difference method, spectral and pseudo-spectral methods, methods based on the Boltzmann equation (Lattice Boltzmann Method), Monte Carlo methods, among others. Topics of interest include consistency, stability, accuracy and scalability.
- Combustion and Catalysis Chemical Kinetics
Coupling between detailed chemical kinetics and reactive flow models in a propulsion system regime; hierarchical modeling of detailed chemical kinetics mechanisms for combustion and reforming of hydrocarbons and biofuels; systematic reduction of chemical kinetic mechanisms; multiscale modeling of reactive flows; investigation of elementary gas phase and surface reactions using Density Functional Theory.
- Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems (discontinued in 2019)
Professores Colaboradores |
Renato Oba |