Todas as Disciplinas

Transport Phenomena area

ECM410007 – Fluid Mechanics

Required: yes
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Introduction and fundamental concepts; tensors; kinematics; conservation laws; vortex dynamics.

ECM410064 – Foundations of Thermodynamics

Required: yes
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Basic concepts and definitions. Work and heat. First law of thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic relations. Thermodynamic potentials, Legendre transformation, and applications.  Thermodynamic stability criteria. Thermodynamic property calculation. Chemical balance. Applications in power and refrigeration cycles. Chemical reactions.

ECM410009 – Mathematical Methods

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Vectors in Classical Physics. Variation Calculations. Vectors and Matrices. Vectorial spaces in Physics.

ECM410011 – Experimental Methods in Thermal Sciences

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Introduction to the experimental techniques; acquisition, data analysis, and uncertainty analysis applied to thermal sciences: hot-wire anemometry (CTA), laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), particle image velocimetry (PIV), laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), pressure measurement through pressure-sensitive paints (PSP) and Pitot tubes, thermometry; uncertainty analysis.

ECM410043Heat and mass diffusion

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Basic notions of thermodynamics and phase balancing. Mass and energy conservation equations in diffusive systems. Analytical and numerical solutions to problems involving heat and mass diffusion (permanent, transient, and moving boundary regimes).

ECM410044 – Flow through porous media

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Introduction to porous media. Single-phase flows. Capillary phenomena in porous means. Two-phase flows.

ECM410046 – Fluid-Structure Interactions

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: The course begins with the characterization and definition of the main parameters and dynamic behaviors related to free and forced oscillation. Next, the main phenomena of fluid-structure interaction are presented and discussed, particularly those arising from the incidence of fluid flows and surface waves. A detailed characterization is then presented for the problems of Vortex-Induced Vibration. Next, a detailed characterization of the First-Order Wave Excitation problem is made. The course concludes with the application of the constructed theory to theoretical and/or practical problems.

ECM410062 – Combustion

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Chemical kinetics. Simplified conservation equations for reactive flows. Premixed flames in combustible gases. Diffusion flames. Ignition.  Combustion emissions.

ECM410063 – Numerical Methods in Transport Phenomena

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Introduction to numerical methods. Finite differences. Conservation equations. Finite volumes. Turbulence modeling. Developing flows. Verification and Validation.

ECM410066 – Convection

Required: no
Total Class Hours: 45
Credits: 3

Description: Introduction to convection. Conservation Laws – Differential, Conservation Laws – Integral, Hydrodynamic Boundary Layer, and Thermal Boundary Layer
Heat transfer in external flows, Heat transfer in internal flows, Natural Convection, Phase Change, Heat Exchanger, Experimental techniques in convection

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