Student Portal

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Wireless AccessInformation Technology
Defense scheduleProgram office
UFSC SubscriberUFSC Digital Services Portal
Complementary ActivitiesProgram office
Event supportProgram office
Academic CalendarProgram office
CAPGProgram office
Student CardUniversity restaurant
Online Service CatalogInformation Technology
Negative debt certificate - LibraryUniversity Library
Negative debt certificate - RestaurantUniversity restaurant
IT TicketsInformation Technology
How to pay for UR passesRestaurante universitário
Faculty contactsProgram office
Master's defenseProgram office
Qualifying exam (MTP defense)Program office
Formalization of Supervisor and Co-supervisorProgram office
Diploma: 1st copyProgram office
Teaching internshipProgram office
Conclusion event - Validation of article/work at congressProgram office
Registration form for External Members of Examining BoardsProgram office
Google WorkSpaceInformation Technology
Class timetableProgram office
ID UFSCInformation Technology
Enrollment - CancellationProgram office
Enrollment, Renewal and AdjustmentProgram office
MoodleInformation Technology
Moodle - TutorialsInformation Technology
Microsoft partnershipInformation Technology
Teaching plansProgram office
Proficiency in EnglishDLLE/UFSC
Directed Study RequirementProgram office
Diverse requests (extension, defense after the deadline, etc.)Program office
Suggested slide show templateProgram office
Enrollment - Leave of absenceProgram office
Course validationProgram office